Protect Your Valuables: The Ultimate Guide to Home Inventory
Protect Your Valuables: The Ultimate Guide to Home Inventory
Only 47% of Americans have completed home inventory, despite the fact that more than 3 million Americans were displaced by natural disasters in 2023.¹,³
It’s great to have insurance against damage and loss, but if you can’t show […]
Should You Borrow from Your 401(k)?
Should You Borrow from Your 401(k)?
The average household with revolving credit card debt had a balance of $21,083 as of March 2024. With the average credit card annual percentage rate sitting at 27.65%, it represents an expensive way to fund spending.¹,²
Which leads many individuals to ask, “Does […]
Medicare Advantage 101
Medicare Advantage 101
Medicare Advantage, sometimes known as “Part C,” is something of a catch-all choice for those who are ready to sign up for Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private insurers in conjunction with the Medicare program, and can provide you with additional health insurance […]
Protection Against Uninsured Drivers
Protection Against Uninsured Drivers
About 14 percent of all motorists, or one-in-seven drivers, do not have automobile insurance, according to the Insurance Research Council.¹
Having the misfortune to get into an accident with an uninsured motorist may have serious financial consequences, depending upon the state in which you reside […]